Girassóis de Van Gogh
Um labirinto com 125 mil girassóis foi a surpresa da semana passada, celebrando a abertura da nova entrada do Museu do Van Gogh. Montado em frente ao museu, o labirinto ficou aberto ao público apenas durante o fim de semana – e a partir das 16h do domingo, quem quisesse podia levar girassóis pra casa.
Chegamos bem no finalzinho do dia, conseguimos pegar os últimos 15min do labirinto aberto e a “colheita” – que estava mais pra pilhagem, tinham famílias saindo de lá com uns 30 girassóis na mão (por pessoa)! xD
Depois de parar para um café com torta de chocolate, voltamos para casa com muitas fotos, três girassóis, e dois pares de sapatos com as solas cheias de lama. Valeu a pena? Acho que valeu.
A labyrinth with 125k sunflowers was built right in front of Van Gogh’s Museum to celebrate its new entrance’s opening. The weather was horrible last weekend but that didn’t bother anyone, apparently. Loads of people gathered among the flowers to take pictures, despite the rain and the mud that tagged along.
The sunflower harvest started at 4pm on Sunday, when people could start taking the flowers home – since everything would be dismounted, why not let people have their fun, right? And oh gosh, they did. The harvest quickly escalated to looting when entire families picked bouquets with over 30 sunflowers (each). We arrived at the very last minute, so we could see a bit of the labyrinth before it was torn apart.
We stopped at a charming café for some chocoladetaart and coffee, and came back home with some pictures, three sunflowers (we’re modest looters), and two pairs of shoes with soles full of mud. Was it worth it? Ik denk wel.